Our theme for January is winter and snow. Here are some of the things we are worked on this month.
Snowman Collage
The children used cotton balls and cut up paper strips.
Bubble Wrap Prints
We used light and bright blue paint.
I cut pieces into rectangles and used packing tape to close up 2 of the ends. It made the perfect bubble wrap mitt for the children's hands. This was the large bubble wrap and I'd love to try it with the tiny bubble wrap as well.
It started getting very blue so a little purple and lavender was in order.
Look at how nice the pattern looks at the end.
Marshmallow Prints
We used large marshmallows and left over paint from bubble prints.
There was a range of creating from organized to overlapping.
Ice Painting
We use water and food coloring in ice cube trays to make 'paint'. I add cut pieces of drinking straw so that the kids don't freeze their fingers.
Wood Stick Snow Flakes
Ice Melting
We use an ice block, water tinted with food coloring, salt, and eye droppers for this science exploration. The children learn that ice melts in different ways and can see the variations using the colored water. Teachers sprinkle salt on top of the ice block to speed some of the melting process and create channels in the middle of the cube for the water to run down. Our first group used blue water and our second group used red so we also learned about color mixing too.
Rain Clouds
We made these using construction paper, various blue tissue paper, and cotten balls.
Snow Play
Ok, so we don't live in an area where it snows. The next best thing? Shaving cream! The children painted and sculpted with our version of snow.