October 9, 2010

New Updates

I apologize for not keeping our blog up to date more often. Its been more than 6 weeks since my last post but I will fill in a little of what when on in Sept. at our school and hopefully stay on top of October. We are welcoming our 2nd child to the world some time this month! Our school will be closed for a week during that time but we still have lots of fun things going on. We also have a helper that will be joining us this month to help me ease back into things when baby arrives. Keep watching!

Color Mixing Pumpkins

In October we are learning about pumpkins, fall harvest, and of course getting ready for Halloween fun. Today we learned out what happens when yellow and red paint are mixed. I used finger paint with brushed for this activity though I supposed the kids could have mixed the paint by hand as well. I drew a large pumpkin shape onto finger paint paper for each child and had them mix up their paint and cover the entire area. After the paint was dry each child got to glue on their pre-cut triangle nose/eyes and mouth. I cut around the entire pumpkin for all the little kids and the older kids got to cut out their own. All the kids were very excited to make their painting masterpieces into a jack-o-lantern!

Season Trees

Along with apple trees we have also been learning about the four seasons. This project took a few days but came out very nice. Each child created four handprints using brown tempra paint to be the trunk and branches of the tree. After I labled the trees for them we worked on decorating our trees for each season. Winter has silver glitter added to represent snow. Spring has pink, white, and green tissue paper to show the apple blossems. I used liquid starch, applied with a paint brush, as a glue for the kids to places the tissue paper on. Summer has 2 shades of green tissue paper and construction paper apples. Fall has construction paper scraps in fall colors glued on.

Apple Tree Art

During the month of September we have been learning a lot about apples and apple trees. One of our art projects was to make apple trees using sponge painting. We tore out the trunks for each tree from brown scrap paper and glued them down first. Then with green tempra paint and small pieces of sponge we painted grass and leaves. Last we used some red tempra with a different sponge to create the apples. The sponges were great because they kept all the little fingers cleaner than normal.

Fall Equinox Lanterns

Today we welcomed in Autumn with our Fall Lanterns. Earlier in the week the children used yellow and red water color to paint their papers. They were delighted to arrive at school on this first day of fall to see that their paintings and been magically transformed into lanterns. I cut shapes in the top of the four sides with an exacto knife and cut and folded under the bottom pieces the make a base for the latern. You can see what they look like without candle light and with. So pretty. We also made fall collages on this day and corn muffins for snack.

Fall Collage

On the first day of fall the kids made their very own fall collages. I ripped out pictures from the Pottery Barn catalog that came in the mail this week and got out some fall color scrap paper. Even the little kids are really big on cutting practice with scissors so off they went cutting what they could. Though a little rough around the edges I think they turned out very nice.

Caterpillar Pattern

R had a little time to be creative and was excited to show me the pattern he had made with our shape blocks. At age 5 he is all about patterns right now. After telling me the patern he announced, "and if I put the green triangle her it makes it a caterpillar!" I love to see his brain growing with creativity.

Fall is Almost Here!

Our pumpkin plant is growing fast. Although we had lots of flowers only 1 beautiful pumpkin arrived this year. Odd weather may have played a little hand in that. The kids were proud though of what they grew.

August 17, 2010

Stained Glass

Tried out an old project from long ago with a new twist. Cut up tissue paper on clear contact paper, sandwich style. We used some fancy scissors on the edges and hung them in the window. No very eco friendly with the contact paper but so pretty.

August 13, 2010

Baby Wearing

I don't know if he remembers all the times I wore him as a baby. Since new baby hasn't arrived yet, and its been years since he has seen me wear a baby, I will just assume that he remembers. Insisted on having a sling for kitty today and got the other kids at preschool to do the same. I get so proud during what I call 'daddy in training' moments.

Pine Cone Feeder

We keep finding these amazing pinecones at the park and bringing them home to the nature table. R has been wanting to make them into winter bird feeders like he has seen in a book. I kept explaining that we should wait till winter but he wouldn't hear of it. So out came the peanut butter, yarn, and seed. Instant feeder.

July 31, 2010


R has been needing some new additions to his play items as he grows. Its seems he has been drawn into the super hero and action figure relm of play by some of his friends. Of course as a child that doesn't connect the media aspect of these figures with the play it is always interesting to see the play unfolds. This past weekend we visited a local children's museum and I was amamzed to see that they had set up tools for the children to make gnome homes, including hand made gnomes! R set right to work and got his 'fix' of the play he has been trying out with his friends. Why had I not thought of this sooner? Our current gnomes are all hand knitted and stuffed with wool perfect for the toddler but harder for the preschooler to pose in his building creations. This week we worked on some new gnome toys with some felt, yarn, buttons, and wool we had around the house and wooden pegs found out the craft store. So far we have 4 traditional gnomes and what I am calling 2 gnome 'scouts' without the beard and wearing a backpack. They have all been on numerous adventures of R's imagination. I'm sure we will be making many more!


July 23, 2010

Who Will Help Me Make the Bread?

"I will", said R! It was so much fun baking bread today with R, and his friend, after experiencing the "Little Red Hen" story for so many days. We all took turns telling parts of the story and it made the kneading process go so much faster. With just 3 of us home during the week we will have rolls to enjoy for a few days to come.

Dough Kneading

July 22, 2010

Our Garden Grows

Nothing as fun as getting your hands dirty and planting some seeds. After eating all of our sugar snap peas in family garden it was time to plant some new ones. R has he very own 2x4 plot of dirt joyfully named the 'kid garden' that he is learning to work all on his own. So far he has grown started a pumpkin vine, cherry tomatos, and unknown purple flowers all from seed. Our oral story the past 2 weeks has been "The Little Red Hen" and we have been talking a lot about the rewards of helping out. Today he enlisted the help of his friend to plant and water the new seeds with a promise of a great snack to share in a few weeks.


July 21, 2010

First Finger Knit

Such a proud moment for a mom that loves all things yarn! My little guy created his first chain just before turing 5. I didn't know if it was the right time, but he has been asking and asking lately so I gave it a go. A few days before I took him to the yarn shop to choose his yarn. I have to laugh because I was thinking of all these really great pastel and rainbow ones we could get but he obviously had other ideas and went with his favorite color red. We used a knitting story about a Shepard and his sheep to help him remember what to do. What a success! His chain will keep growing daily and has plans to make it a leash for his stuffed cat.



July 14, 2010

New Beginnings

The year of teaching in my public school classroom is complete. I am happy to see how my students have grown and also sad to be ending this chapter for now. But a new beginning it is. R will be turning 5 soon and starting to homeschool with me this year. Also my homebased preschool officially opened its doors in July. What a summer it will be!

A peek out our preschool room.

Kitchen Play

Nature and Season Table

Pretend Play Area

Building Corner